JCL DRIVER TRAINING is registered to deliver SAFED Instructor and driver training for LGVs and Vans commercially. The trainers are approved with the AEA `SAFED' trainer network and the DSA for LGVs and can use the SAFED brand, which is a registered trademark of the DfT and can only be used with their permission.
What is SAFED?
The Safe and Fuel Efficient Driving (SAFED) programme was designed some 6 years ago by a consortium of leading industry specialists to help drivers improve their safe and fuel efficient driving techniques.
SAFED initially offered driver training for a one-year period but in light of the positive results achieved, the Department for transport extended the funding so that eventually a total of 6000 drivers and 375 instructors were trained to this industry standard.
The programme demonstrated the following benefits:
SAFED is a complementary driver development course, consisting of assessment and training. It intends to improve the safe and fuel efficient driving skills of LCV / LGV drivers. It therefore should complement a much broader programme of commercial vehicle fleet efficiency management.
Why have SAFED training?
During 2003 UK Light Commercial Vehicle (LCV) activity accounted for some 58 billion kilometres (Department for Transport statistics). Over 90% of this distance was in connection with collection and delivery of goods, travel between home and workplace or journeys between jobs and hence LCVs play an important role in the countries economy.
SAFED Vans / LGV safer driving means:
Where operators actively monitor and manage the fuel used by vehicles a fleet's fuel consumption can typically be reduced by 10%, with an equivalent cost saving. Use of safe and fuel-efficient driving techniques as part of fuel management will make a major contribution to this fuel saving.
Fleet Operators / Drivers, why get SAFED trained?
SAFED Assessor Course
We now offer training for company drivers to be SAFED Assessor. The course is designed to train a trainer to assess the drivers on the 18 key driving elements of the SAFED Course.
Are your drivers safe!!! Do they Tow a Trailer?
JCL Fleet Driver Training.